Executive Coaching

Job description

xecutive Coaching is a facilitative one-to-one, mutually designed relationship between a professional coach and a key contributor who has a powerful position in the organization.

The coaching is contracted for the benefit of a client who is accountable for highly complex decisions with wide scope of impact on the organization and industry as a whole.

Coaching senior executives is a collaborative and pragmatic one integrating depth psychology and strategic business priorities: It is a customized and holistic development process that provides deep behavioral insights intended to accelerate an executive’s business results and effectiveness as a leader.

This coaching is based on a collaborative relationship among the executive, his/her boss, his/her human resources manager, and an executive coach.

It is a one-on-one development process formally contracted between a professional coach and a management-level client to increase the client’s managerial and/or leadership performance.


The focus of executive coaching is helping leaders get unstuck from their dilemmas and assisting them to transfer their learning into results for the organization.

The coaching is focused on organizational performance or development, but it may also serve a personal component as well.


Executive coaching is defined as a helping relationship formed between a client who has managerial authority and responsibility in an organization and a consultant who uses a wide variety of behavioral techniques and methods to assist the client achieve a mutually identified set of goals to improve his or her professional performance and personal satisfaction and consequently to improve the effectiveness of the client’s organization within a formally defined coaching agreement.

Relax and create

Holistic approach

A holistic view means we are interested in engaging and developing the whole person. Think of the executive as the fully functioning person: Psysical, emotional, mental, spiritual.

Active involvement

of top corporate executives.

Behavioral observations

Behavioral observations involve a process of identifying the key tasks for a particular job, evaluated according to how frequently they exhibit the required behavior for effective performance.


Trust is developed through open and honest communication and, once established, creates a shared vision for a common goal A process that fosters self-awareness and that results in the motivation to change, as well as the guidance needed if change is to take place in ways that meet organizational needs. Self-awareness linked to business results and an action plan put in place